While I was shopping for a few necessities, I picked up a few new books/magazines so I thought I would just share what I got!
First of all, I thought I might as well pop into my local WHSmith to see if I could pester the shop assistants to change the shelves; thankfully, I didn't need to and the new rack of February 2012 issue
s were out!
One thing that disappointed me about this months Teen Vogue was the amount of adverts. I understand that it is prom season but as I flipped through the issue I just saw a lot of ads rather than content. I'm also noticing how thin Teen Vogue is becoming in comparison to issues that I began to buy way back in '06.
Just a rant :p #likestomoanalot
But anyway, I also went into The Works for some crafting materials and I was attracted to their huge annual January sale. The Works in itself is cheap, but a sale was even better. I picked up three books( I would have chosen more, but my shelf at uni is heaving as it is :s).
First of all I picked up two exercise books in the '5o Best' range.....
They were both only £3!
The first is my FAVOURITE new read. It's called the '5o Best Pilates Exercise'. I was actually recommended to pick up Pilates by my doctor back at home after my back problems begin( yes, I have back problems, and it REALLY hurts!). I never got round to it because of school and whatever else( procrastination, ahem!) but now I have alot of time on my hands in between uni, I decided I could give it a go!
50 Best Pilates Exercises:Parragon
The next book is from the same range and is called '50 Best Fitness Exercises' which has an aim to tone( I recommend this book for all of you who have become dumplings over Christmas- at least you won't have to buy a gym membership)
50 Best Fitness Exercises: Parragon
Both have formal introductions about the 'Body and Mind' to help you focus on basics and help you decide what exactly you want to achieve.
And finally! last but not at all least, my favourite find out of the bunch. I was browsing from the last chance section of books at the back of the store when I spotted this gem in the corner. It's a little dirty and the cover has a crease but I had to have it!
Breakfast At Tiffany's- The Official 50th Anniversary Companion:Pavilion
I've taken a few of my favourite pages from the book as a preview. This is honestly the perfect gift to a Holly Golightly fan- if only a I knew someone who was obsessed with her-still, that means I get to keep it.
Even Audrey has flaws-Photoshop back in the day
Music sheet to 'MoonRiver'
Every chapter has theme

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